RFP updated as of 1/31/2024

The St. Louis County Port Authority (the “Port”) was established pursuant to Chapter 68 of the Missouri Revised Statutes for the purpose of promoting the general welfare, promoting development, encouraging private capital investment by fostering the creation of industrial facilities and industrial parks, endeavoring to increase the volume of commerce, and promoting the establishment of a foreign trade zone within the port district, which includes all of St. Louis County, Missouri. The St. Louis Economic Development Partnership (the “Partnership”) assists with staffing the Port.

Consistent with its organizational purposes, the Port owns certain real property parcels in St. Louis County, Missouri, which require landscaping, maintenance, snow-removal, and debris-removal services (the “Services”). It is the Port’s goal to ensure that all properties are maintained in a safe and aesthetically acceptable condition so that the properties enhance the surrounding community.

The Port issues this Request for Proposals (the “RFP”) from qualified contractors to provide the Services for a one-year period with two successive options for the Port, at its sole discretion, to renew for terms of one year each. The contract issued pursuant to this RFP may include a period of up to three (3) years.

Scope of Services
The Port seeks landscaping, maintenance, snow-removal, and debris-removal services for multiple, scattered parcels located in St. Louis County, Missouri. The parcels and a description of the minimum requested Services are set forth below. Proponents are responsible for familiarizing themselves with the parcels listed below and their current conditions, including the scope and quantity of existing dumped debris at the North Market Street, St. Charles Rock Road, and E. Arlee properties. It should be noted that many of these parcels periodically experience dumping. It is the expectation that the selected firm(s) will inspect for dumping during the normal course of maintaining the properties and notify the Port of any issues. To address sporadic debris removal, proposals should include disposal cost on a per load basis. The Services identified below shall be provided as directed by representatives of the Port.

See the full RFP here

See the addendum here

Submission of Proposals
To be considered, proposals must be received no later than Friday, February 9, 2024, at 3:00 PM CST. Proposals received after the deadline identified above will not be considered.

RFP Published January 18-19, 2024
Questions Submitted by Friday, January 26, 2024
Questions Answered Wednesday, January 31, 2024
Submission of Proposals by Friday, February 9, 2024

Questions about this RFP should be sent by email to Any answers to questions will be provided to all interested parties and will be released as an addendum to this RFP on the Partnership’s website,, on the date indicated above.

Electronic proposals should be sent by email to

St. Louis County Port Authority
c/o St. Louis Economic Development Partnership
Attn: Erika Castillo
120 S. Central Ave., Suite 200
St. Louis, Missouri 63105
(314) 615-7663