Real Estate & Community Investment

Brownfield Remediation Funding

What are brownfields?

The term brownfield means real property, the expansion, redevelopment or reuse of which is complicated by the presence, potential presence or perceived presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant.

Why are environmental site assessments important?

Environmental site assessments determine if contamination is present, and to some degree, the extent of the contamination present at a property. The assessment provides answers to many of the questions regarding potential cleanup costs and environmental liability associated with brownfield properties. Potential buyers of a brownfield may reduce their liability if the appropriate environmental site assessments are performed prior to purchase. An environmental site assessment conducted in a manner to meet the requirements of an all appropriate Inquiry (AAI) gives the purchaser certain protections from liability under the federal Superfund Law. (Visit EPA and MDNR for more information.)

Funding for brownfield assessment and remediation

STL Partnership and LCRA were awarded EPA grants to help clean eligible brownfield sites in St. Louis County.

  • Brownfield Assessment Grant funds may be used to assess properties for environmental contamination
  • Brownfield Revolving Loan Fund (BRLF) may be used for to cleanup properties that have been identified as brownfields