Real Estate & Community Investment

Urban League Plaza Brownfield Clean Up

About Urban League Plaza

The Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of St. Louis County (LCRA) Brownfield Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) will provide a sub-grant to remediate subsurface soils at 9844 and 9846 West Florissant Avenue, in preparation for a commercial building.

Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis (ULMSL) proposes redeveloping these two properties into Urban League Plaza. This redevelopment will provide convenient access to necessary services for the cities of Dellwood, Ferguson, and surrounding north county communities which have long lacked access to such services. The new 13,500 square foot commercial center will promote economic growth, create new jobs, and foster entrepreneurial endeavors and community wellness for the City of Dellwood and surrounding communities. This multi-use center will be an incubator of new businesses, a home to established and committed partners, as well as a place for community services for pregnant people, children, and parents of young children. Prospective, representative tenants include First Bank, At Home Care, Proficient Chiropractic, ULMSL, including space for the Save our Sisters program, and a local restaurant. All are minority businesses except First Bank which plans to hire minority residents. In addition to these and other retail tenants, ULMSL has plans for a community conference center, incubator space, and co-working spaces.

Public Comments Due     

After reviewing the ABCA, send your comments about this project by February 20, 2022 to Maude Trost, Project Manager:

A hard copy of the ABCA is also available for public review at:

  • Dellwood City Hall – 1415 Chambers Road; Dellwood, MO 63135
  • ULMSL’s Ferguson Community Empowerment Center – 9420 West Florissant; Avenue, Ferguson, MO 63136

Response to Public Comment

We will post the response to public comments received after February 20, 2022.

Project Documents


This project has been funded wholly or in part by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under assistance agreement BF98746401 to the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the County of St. Louis. The contents of this document do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the EPA, nor does the EPA endorse trade names or recommend the use of commercial products mentioned in this document.